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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Welcome back after half term, I hope that you have all had a fabulous week off! Returning to school brings us into the final stretch before the summer holidays - what a year it has been!


Our last half term sees the introduction of our new topic, Tomb Raiders! During this theme, we will be investigating Egyptian lifestyles and thinking about how this period ties into the other history topics studied. 


For P.E this half term, we will be preparing for sports day through athletics and engaging in a range of OAA (outdoor and adventurous activity) games to develop our team work skills. Therefore children will need their outdoor P.E kits for both sessions. Please make sure that children's kits are labelled as this helps us to find and return any lost property as quickly as possible!


The homework will continue as normal this half term. Children will have their theme grids as per usual which they can complete their weekly homework from. Additionally, there will also be literacy and numeracy based tasks which the children can collect from the classroom to hand in, if they prefer. This will also make it easier for those children working towards their Silver Learning Warrior badge!


If you have any concerns or queries, feel free to come and have a chat or arrange a meeting.


The Year 3 Team

Miss Green and Mrs Haywood
