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Fairmeadows Foundation Primary school is a one form entry primary school with an attached nursery. With a capacity of 210 pupils in main school and a maximum of 40 nursery places. There are currently 201 pupils on roll in main school with 20 in nursery.


We are a friendly school with a caring ethos and an inclusive appoarch to all areas of school life. We like to involve parents in events and give many opportunities for parents to come into school. The Governing Board is supportive and keen to drive standards at all times. 


The school has 40% of pupils on the SEND register and 7.10% EHCPs. There are 40% disadvantaged pupils and 35% Free School Meals. We have 11% of pupils EAL.

45% of the school are female and 55% are male meaning we have 4% more boys than girls on roll.


The school has a pupil base deprivation indicator of 4  and was inspected as GOOD at the last OFSTED inspection . 


There is a strong culture of Safeguarding at school with a 4-person safeguarding lead team including the Headteacher (DSL), the SBM (Safeguarding Governor), SENDCo and Family Liaison. The school uses the secure My Concern system to record any safeguarding issues and web filtering from Derbyshire that emails a report each month.


There is a strong sporting culture at the school and opportunities in this area are given to all students of all ability. There is a strong ethos of inclusion and equality at the heart of the entire school.


The school has been awarded the Gold Artsmark in 2023, the Platinum Sportsmark in 2023-24 and24-25, Forest Schools Champion status in 2022, Platinum Forest Schools award in 2022, PSQM for 2021  BERT Award for RSE Gold in 2023 and the AFPE Mark for 2023.


A new curriculum was put in place for 2019 and a subsequent OFSTED inspection showed this was GOOD without mitigations or interim measures. We have continued to develop the curriculum including during the pandemic to take it online. The current curriculum is sequenced from Reception, bridging into Year 1 through to Year 6 and is based a spiral curriculum. The learning is sequenced and uses spaced retrieval to support long term retention.


The PSHE and RSE curriculum are cornerstones of our curriculum  in every class weekly for PPA.

These connect to Collective Worships and work done beyond the classroom in family support groups run by our family liaison and trained Mental Health lead.


The Curriculum is in the final year of a three-year development and improvement process as are writing, phonics and maths. Each area is showing improvement following the pandemic and recovery premium and tutoring has been targeted at KS2 showing excellent impact over the past 2 years.


During the pandemic the school had a strong remote offer and has used recovery premium and tutoring funds to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and show year on year improvements at KS2.



Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.



• We aim to provide an inspirational, safe space for children to grow into the best version of themselves; where equity is the goal and barriers are overcome, allowing every child the chance to shine.



• We strive for equity in place of equality, overcoming barriers and building confidence in all.

• We help develop caring members of society who can benefit our world in thought, word and deed.

• We put safety, kindness and respect at the heart of our school.

• We value wellbeing and the emotional needs of individuals as a priority throughout the school.

