Uniform is available from:
WB Global - https://www.wbglobaltrading.co.uk/
School Wear UK - www.schoolwear.co.uk
All children attending Fairmeadows Foundation Primary School are expected to follow the school dress code established by the Governors:
Uniform PE Kit
Red sweatshirt or cardigan Team colour T-Shirt
Black skirt/pinafore Black shorts
Black trousers Trainers
White Blouse/Polo Shirt Black Jogging Bottoms
Red/White checked dress in summer Black Jumper
Plain Black Socks /Tights
Sensible Black shoes not boots/trainers/sandals
Hair Accessories
Headbands, bobbles and slides should be in school colours (red or black). They should be plain and non-decorative, i.e without large bows, flowers etc.
Long hair should be tied up; this helps tremendously with the battle against headlice.
Uniform PE Kit
Red sweatshirt or cardigan Team colour T-Shirt
Black trousers Black shorts
White Shirt/Polo Shirt Trainers
Plain Black Socks Black jogging bottoms
Sensible Black shoes not boots/trainers Black jumper
Extreme hairstyles, shaved patterns and colours are inappropriate for school.
One pair of plain stud earrings only.
Please mark all clothes and items with your child's name.