At Fairmeadows Primary we know the impact regular attendance has on your child’s learning and well-being; and that having good attendance is directly linked to raising achievement and develops skills for life and work. We have many initiatives to celebrate and support attendance in school and ask that parents/carers support the school in this by ensuring that your child attends school every day and arrives ready to learn and on time at 8.30 am.
We encourage all children to keep our three Attendance Promises:
We ask our children to be an Attendance H.E.R.O. (Here Every day Ready On time) and help us achieve our school Attendance Target of:
Primary national pupil attendance is around 92%. This means that a child needs to attend school for at least 182 out of 190 days to meet national expectations.
Be an Attendance H.E.R.O.
Meet the Attendance Team.
Mrs Page Mr Boulter
We are here to help you ensure your child comes to school every day and on time.
Our Attendance Team monitor school attendance and punctuality daily as your child’s learning and well-being is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that working together with parents/carers is the best way to result in positive attendance outcomes for our children and ask that you support us with ensuring your child regularly attends and is on time.
We cannot be complacent where there are instances of persistently low attendance, or if children are regularly late to school.
Below are some of the ways we ensure attendance and punctuality remain a high priority in school.
Children’s individual attendance will be tracked every half term (6 times a year) using a Traffic Light Monitoring System:
Green: Above 95% attendance
Amber: Between 85% – 95% attendance
Red: Below 85% attendance
Please visit the School Office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a member of our Attendance Team.