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Design and Technology

Summer Term


This half term the children have been engaging in food technology based around our Roman topic! We have considered appropriate food hygiene and safety before making our own examples of Roman food!



Today we made our first pieces of Roman food! Many children were not keen on the Roman's idea of pizza, however most children enjoyed the honey cakes we made! Here's how we got on!


Spring Term


This half term, the children have been examining the different theme park attractions in America! We have considered the types of rides which might be available as well as the facilities which would be required. The children have partnered up to design their own theme park and have chosen a wide variety of themes! They have sketched their own logo, drawn their own rides and created a floor plan of their park. The children have now started to think about how we can make a working ride!



This week, the children we presented with a challenge! They could use any of the following materials: card, paper, string, tape, glue, blue tac, artstraws and paper cups. Their mission was to create their own theme park ride and see if they could make it move! They all did a superb job and here's how we got on!

Autumn Term


This half term, the children have been studying shelters. We have created a design criteria about what a shelter needs to be and have examined a variety of modern day and prehistoric examples. The children have experimented with how to build a strong structure, through their bridge building challenge.



This week, the children applied their knowledge of strong shapes to build a shelter using manufactured materials. Across the classroom we saw examples of team work, peer support and great success!

Whilst they are not quite finished yet, here's how the children were getting on...


Following their attempts at building last week, the children evaluated their progress. They decided that many of their structures lacked strength and stability, therefore alterations would need to made next time. However, they also acknowledged that their joining skills and team work skills were good, therefore this could be used this week! During our DT lesson this week, the children moved onto building a Stone Age style home using natural materials, which presented a range of new challenges! Despite this, many of the children were successful in their endeavors and enjoyed their time in the wild garden!
