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Busy Bodies

Week beginning: Monday 17th October

Story: My Two Grannies

  • To be able to use the correct terms to name members of their family.
  • To be able to make representations of key member of their family.
  • To talk about their own family traditions.
  • To try new fruits and vegetables.
  • To be able to talk about their preferences.

Week beginning: Monday 10th October

Story: Senses

  • To know that we have five senses.
  • To be able to name the five senses.
  • To be able to explore each sense in turn.
  • To be able to hold a pencil between the finger and thumb with a pinch grip.

Week beginning: Monday 3rd October

Story: How do I put it on?

  • To be able to name different pieces of clothing.
  • To give verbal instructions to a friend explaining how to put on a piece of clothing.
  • To think about outfits for different occasions.
  • To make choices about the clothes they wear.
  • To paint pictures of favourite items of clothing.

Week beginning: Monday 26th September

Story: Funnybones

  • To know that we all have a skeleton made up of lots of different bones.
  • To be able to point to named parts of the body.
  • To be able to make representations of their skeleton using paint and collage materials.
  • To be able to find matching pairs of illustrations from the story.
  • To be able to count the dots on the faces of a dice and match to a numeral.

Week beginning: Monday 19th September

Story: Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes

  • To be able to count their fingers and toes.
  • To be able to use words like palm, fingers, thumb, toes and foot to describe body parts.
  • To explore the texture of paint whilst printing with their hands and feet!
  • To be able to recognise numerals and to be able to form the number one.
  • To be able to move rhythmically to music

Week beginning: Monday 12th September

Story: Things I Like!

  • Talk about things they like to do.
  • Demonstrate good listening by sitting still and looking at the person talking.
  • To be able to select materials for a purpose.
  • Begin to recognise numbers of personal significance.
  • To be able to compare sets of objects and say which set has more or less.

Week beginning: Tuesday 6th September

Welcome back everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely summer and the poor weather didn't spoil things for you.

This week we will be getting back into school routines and making friends with the children starting this week. Our theme for this half term is called 'Busy Bodies' which means the children will be finding out about all the things we can do with our body!!!

If you have any photos showing some of the things your child gets up to at home please bring in a copy so that we can share it during circle time.
