Summer Term 2
This half term is a very busy one for Year 5. At the beginning of the term we have got 'Bike-ability' - where the children will learn how to be safe on their bikes. Following this we have got visits to local secondary schools! As well as all this we have got some sporting events such as Wimbledon and our Sports Day.
Our theme this half term is Gods and Mortals where the children will be learning all about Ancient Greece. In Science the children will be carrying out some investigations to find out more about Friction and Gravity.
In P.E. this half-term the children will be developing their Athletic skills in preparation for sports day. Please ensure children have both indoor and outdoor kits available in school, including suitable footwear.
The children have made fantastic progress this year in their swimming lessons - which will continue this half term.
As always, please continue to learn spellings set and focus on the pattern each week. In addition, children should be completing their homework to a high standard each week. Don't forget to refer to the Learning Warrior Standards in order to maintain learning and behaviour standards in Year 5 and a chance to aim for the next badge!
The Year 5 Team
Mrs Bell, Mrs Pearce and Mrs Garner
This week in Year 5:
w/c 11th July
What a busy week! Monday is our William Allitt taster day and Tuesday is Sports day!
Maths: Developing our understanding of shape and measures
Literacy- Newspaper reports
We have finished our swimming lessons now.