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Year 4

14.6.16 Science observational skills

7.6.16 Computing Music and Sound- 2explore


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Science- Making and testing switches

Summer Term 1

Welcome back!


We hope you have all enjoyed the break and are ready to start another action packed term.


This half term the theme is 'Changing Lives.' During this topic the children will think about changes which have happened to them and within their own lives. Then the children will move on to think about people who have influenced the way we live today and learn about different inventors and inventions. Towards the end of term, the children will begin to think about changes and inventions which will develop within their lifetime.



This terms PE will be in the afternoons. The children will be learning the skills and rules to play Tennis and to develop skills in Athletics. As these sports are generally played outside the children will need outdoor kits as the weather is still rather unpredictable.


Homework, spellings, reading and learning of times tables continue as before and should be handed in on a Friday. Please remember to evidence this in your diary to achieve your learning warrior status.


Thank you for all your support; as always if there are any problems please do not hesitate to contact a member of the year four team.


Miss Bartlam, Mrs Wright, Mrs Benbow Pullen

K'nex Challenge

Chinese Dragon Dancing

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Literacy- Working Conditions comprehension

Autumn Term 2 Homework

Using the new writing stations.

Maths-Compass work

Maths- Rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

Science/ICT- Pitch and loudness

Super Science
