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This week in Year 3

Week commencing 9.7.17

This week the children will not be receiving any new spelling but we will continue to practice our year 3/4 word list in our sessions.


We will be reading exploring and performing poetry, by Nick Toczek, Tony Mitton and SuAndi. Then we will be writing our own "rap" to perform at the end of the week using rhyming schemes and repetition similar to those we explored.



This week we will be solving problems involving multiplication, division, money, fractions and place value. To solve these problems the children will work in groups and will use a wide range of strategies that they have learnt in Year 3.



We will be investigating useful magnets and where we might find them such as fridge doors and laptops. All of the children will be consolidating their knowledge of forces and magnets by designing a game that uses magnetic force.



The children will be exploring pyramids and how they were built and what they were used for. They will also be making Egyptian Jewellery with Mrs Wright.


Week commencing 26.6.17


In Literacy this week we will be exploring the features of instruction writing, this will be in preparation of writing our "how to" guide to mummification. We will be creating verbal instructions for how to write cursive letters, then writing them with Foundation Stage 2 children in mind. We will discuss what vocabulary and grammatical feature we will need to use.



The children will be telling the time using the 24 hour clock this week. We will then be presenting and interpreting data using tables, pictograms and bar charts.



This week we will be investigating magnets, we will be conducting several practical investigations to discover how magnets work. The children will be racing toys cars using magnets, finding out which objects they can move under water using magnets and exploring which materials magnets work through.



We are continuing to explore Ancient Egypt and will be researching Pharaohs. Who were they and what did they do? We will be creating fact files about famous Pharaohs such as Ramesses the Great, Tutankhamun and Cleopatra.



Week commencing 19.6.17


In our literacy sessions the children will be writing an informal letter as Howard Carter to his niece telling her all about his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun! They will describe what Howard Carter would have seen, smelt, heard and felt. They will use inference such as "the hairs on the back of my neck stood up", to show emotion and feeling.



We continue to investigate time and improve our skills in reading analogue and digital time as well as calculating intervals between times. We will begin to apply our knowledge to practical situations and our own class and school timetable. 



We are continuing our investigations about friction. We will discover how friction affect movement and will conduct our own experiments to find our what footwear creates the most friction and why.



We will be continuing our Egyptian theme. The children will research and explore  famous Pharaoh's, this will also support our work in Literacy. Fingers crossed for some good weather for our Rounders' sessions. We will be carrying on with our recorder practice in Music and will be learning and practicing notes  A, B and G.


Week commencing 12.6.17


This week the children will be writing a newspaper report about the flooding of the River Nile. We are going to be writing complex sentences and including a range of punctuation including direct speech. The children will have an opportunity to edit and improve their work before producing their final piece. The children have worked really hard during Year 3 to improve their writing and this will be a fantastic opportunity to see this.



We are going to be exploring measure this week in maths, we will be measuring and converting ml to l, mm to cm and investigating time. The children will be carrying out several hands on investiagtions to support their understanding.



In science we will be investigating friction. The children will be carrying out an experience involving jelly and chop sticks!



We will be continuing our Egyptian theme and exploring the importance of the River Nile, this will also support our work in Literacy. Fingers crossed for some good weather for our Rounders sessions. We will be carrying on with our recorder practice in Music and will be learning and practicing notes  A and B.


Week Commencing 5.6.17



We will be exploring subordinating clauses and complex sentences. The children will be finding relevant information  in texts and using the information to answer questions about the Ancient Egyptians. They will also have to opportunity to use drama to investigate Egyptian life for the Pharaoh's, workers and slaves to support next weeks writing.



In maths this week the children will be using the column written method to add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers. We will then solve real life problems involving money and giving change from £5, £10 and £20's, the children will need to draw on their previous learning in place value to help them in this.



We are exploring forces and magnets this half term, we will beginning my investigating the movements we do everyday. The children will then identify those movements using scientific vocabulary.



Year 3 are becoming Tomb Raiders this half term and exploring the Ancient Egyptians! We are beginning our journey by asking "Where is Egypt?" The children will use maps to locate Egypt and  the river Nile, they will label to countries near to Egypt and identify what continent they are looking at. In RE will be discussing what makes a hero and who our heroes are. We are beginning our recorder session this half term so we will be able to play a piece of music on the recorder as a whole class!
