R-time Awards
Every Friday we have a whole school collective worship to celebrate all our achievements during the week. Last year each member of staff would chose a 'spot on' who had impressed them or worked hard during the week. This year our new 'Rtime awards' have replaced them. This is an award for children who have demonstrated our school's diamond rules or have shown good relationships / behaviour throughout the week.
Well done to all those who have received a Rtime award!
Summer Term
Friday 1st July
Finley - Excellent manners
Jack W - Always tidying up our classroom and school library.
Friday 24th June
Casey - Working hard this week and always has his hand up when a question has been asked.
Friday 17th June
Riley - Excellent work on his poem this week
The whole class - For working so hard on their phonics screening tests this week.
Friday 27th May
Wilson - Following instructions and working hard.
Chloe Mai - Always doing the right thing.
Friday 20th May
Jack W - Alway offering to tidy up and caring for his class/school.
Jack D - Following instructions and working hard.
Friday 13th May
Jordan for always doing the right thing and being so smart on our walk to the garden centre.
Spencer for trying hard to follow the diamond rules this week.
Friday 6th May
Alfie for always doing the right thing
Riley for following the diamond rules.
Friday 29th April
Jamie P and Nicole for both working hard in all his work this week.
Friday 22nd April
Chloe-Mai for always using beautiful manners.
Jordan for always doing the right thing and showing a mature attitude this week.
Friday 15th April
Holly for looking after her friends during the May Day dance practise.
Bailey for working really hard on his work and behaviour this week.
Spring Term
Friday 18th March
Holly and Ellie-Mae for caring for their friends on our visit to the shop.
Friday 11th March
Joshua T - Caring for our classroom.
Chanelle - Using lovely manners.
Monday 7th March
Caitlin and Jack W - Both always doing the right thing and using lovely manners.
Friday 26th February:
Jamie. P - for working really hard during our R-time lessons.
Colby- for having nice manners and following instructions clearly.
Friday 5th February:
Suraj - always listening carefully and following instructions
Ben - for working hard and making great progress in his reading.
Friday 29th January:
Finley- for always using lovely manners.
Ellie-Mae - for doing the right thing and making mature choices.
Friday 22nd January:
Holly - not giving up during challenging maths work
Jamie W - again for helping Mrs Leech around the classroom.
Friday 15th January:
Jordan - for good manners and reminding his friends what good listening skills are.
Jamie W - for helping his friends during computing.
Friday 8th January: This week 2 children were chosen for following instructions. Ben was chosen for excellent progress in reading and Jayden for having more confidence in his work.
Autumn Term
Friday 4th December: This week Mrs Leech chose Nicole for always trying so hard in all her work. I chose Lemmy again, this week for following instructions carefully during nativity practices.
Friday 27th November: This week Mrs Leech chose Riley for his manners again! I chose Lemmy for looking after and caring for his friends on the playground.
Friday 20th November: This week Mrs Leech chose Joshua.E for listening to instructions carefully in phonics. Riley was chosen for trying hard this week to use good manners.
Friday 13th November: This week Jack. D was chosen for working really hard on his letters and Mathletics. He has been following adult instructions carefully. Abbigail was chosen by Mr Boulter for always being so polite and having lovely manners.
Friday 6th November: This week Nicole and John have been chosen for following instructions with care and working hard in all their work.
23rd October: This week Josh.E and Jamie.W were picked for caring for our classroom and tidying up in their own time.
16th October: Mrs Leech chose Lemmy this week for following instructions carefully and trying hard when doing his work. I chose Alfie-Lee he has been doing a great job on caring for our classroom this week putting in extra effort to ensure it is tidy.
9th October: Suraj received the Rtime award today, he always follows instructions and tries his best in all the work that he does.
2nd October: This week Mrs Leech chose Holly for always using lovely manners. I chose Casey for always putting 100% effort into all the work that he does, following instructions carefully.
25th September: This week I chose Abbigail for her excellent manners especially in the dinner line. Abbigail are a good role model for your friends. Mrs Leech chose Mckenzie for always following instructions and taking care in the work he does.
18th September: Chloe-Mai is always caring for everyone and everything, which is one of our diamond rules. She is always looking out for the younger children at playtimes and lunchtimes, checking that they are alright and know where they should be. Thanks Chloe!