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Rtime Awards

Summer Term


7th July- No Collective Worship


30th June

Miss Sims - Layton 

Mrs Boulter- Alice


16th June

Miss Sims - Alfie - for settling well into our school and being kind to others. 

Mrs Boulter-  Leila- always following the diamond rules and doing the right thing. 


9th June

Miss Sims - Brooke in Y3 - for excellent manners

Mrs Boulter-  Toby - always following the diamond rules. 





12th May

Miss Sims - Mya - for impressing me and trying really hard on her Maths work.

Mrs Boulter- Layton - always doing the right thing and following instructions.

Mrs Williams- Kayley - for super phonics work!


5th May

Miss Sims - Oscar - following instructions well all week. 

Mrs Boulter- Spencer - for caring for our toys and helping tidy the classroom. 

Mrs Williams- Leila - for using excellent manners and always doing the right thing. 







Spring Term


17th March

Miss Sims - Oscar - Listening carefully and being a kind friend. 

Mrs Boulter- Alice - Always following the diamond rules and being kind to others. 


10th March

Miss Sims - Finley- trying hard to follow the diamond rules. 

Mrs Williams - Thomas - impressing her with his excellent reading. 


3rd March

Miss Sims - Kayley- working really hard in all areas.

Mrs Boulter - Elliott M - for trying really hard this week.

Mrs Williams - Leila - being a kind friend.


24th  February

Miss Sims - Xavier- working really hard and using nice manners.

Mrs Boulter - Seth - always doing the right thing.

Mrs Williams - Leia - for always having lovely manners. 


10th  February

Miss Sims - Thomas - for tidying up our classroom and impressing Miss Sims with his reading knowledge. 

Mrs Boulter - Mya - being kind to her friends

Mrs Williams - Archie - lovely manners this week. 


4th  February

Miss Sims - Emie - caring for our classroom

Mrs Boulter - Spencer

Mrs Williams - Owen


27th January

Miss Sims - Layton - for always helping Miss Sims out by doing excellent tidying up and classroom jobs.

Mrs Boulter - Toby - always being kind and helpful


20th January

Miss Sims - Cara - for caring for her friends when they are upset.

Mrs Boulter - Leila - for coming in the mornings with a smiley face.


13th January

Miss Sims - Szymon - for helping his friends

Mrs Boulter - Harry H - for helping his friends

Mrs Williams - Oscar - for using lovely manners.


6th January

Miss Sims - Oscar - for trying hard to be a kind friend.

Mrs Boulter - Amelia - for being helpful


Autumn Term


20th December

Mrs Brealey - Jayden


2nd December

Miss Sims - Elliott G - excellent behavior and always being the first ready to sit smartly on the carpet.

Mrs Boulter - Harry A - having a good week and helping out.


25th November

Miss Sims - Zachary - for helping to do lots of jobs.

Mrs Boulter - Alicia for always doing the right thing.


11th November

Miss Sims - Xavier - for being a good friend

Mrs Boulter - Alice - for always using her manners

Mrs Williams - Isaac - for good sharing and excellent manners.


4th November

Miss Sims - Alicia

Mrs Boulter - Archie

Mrs Williams - Szymon




