RTime is our whole school initiative towards Relationships To IMprove Education. Every Week, we do a partner based activity based upon our 3 Diamond Rules.
Show good manners at all times
Follow instructions with thought and care
Care for everyone and everything
Every week we will choose someone who has worked hard to follow the Diamond Rules to be rewarded during whole school collective worship.
This week, Damian and Mason were chosen for the way they represented our school during the trip to London. They listened, followed instructions and used fantastic manners with the adults that went with them and the people they met while in the capital. Also chosen was Josh, who gave his prized finger spinner to a homeless person - an amazing act of charity. Awesome stuff, guys.
9th June
Mrs Garner chose Alfie S for being fully focused on turning out work to his best ability. Mr Cox chose Gracie from Year 3 for coming into Year 5 to show us some information she had found out about space. She had noticed that we had been learning about space and did some research without even being asked to. Awesome stuff, guys.
24th May
Mrs Garner chose Elise for working so hard on her spellings and persevering, even when they got difficult. Mr Cox chose Damian for being so focused in Maths, leading to an improvement from 11 points to 30 points (top marks) in his shape and measure test. Mr Cox also gave an RTime to Miss Bartlam for being so helpful during a very busy week!
28th April
Mrs Garner chose Mason for taking on board his phonics work and applying it in his writing . Mr Cox chose Mia - despite an initial lack of confidence, she has worked hard, listened and is now an angles expert!
8th April
The whole class gets an RTime this week because of their focus during fractions in maths. This has shown in everyone's progress. Well done!
1st April
Mrs Garner chose Oliver for being supportive of others who didn't quite understand a difficult week of Maths. Mr Cox chose Jamie for his sense of humour.
24th March
Mrs Garner chose Paige for being really helpful. Mr Cox chose Jack for a really focused week in Literacy.
17th March
Mrs Garner chose Lewis for being really focused in all areas. Mr Cox chose Damian for a really positive attitude and commitment to doing his best.
10th March
Mr Cox and Mrs Garner have chosen Jack for his commitment to writing and Josh for his continued commitment to do his best in all areas.
10th February
Mr Cox and Mrs Garner have chosen Dominic for his fantastic pick-pocket story and Ashley for her amazing sense of humour and consistent positive attitude.
3rd February
Mr Cox has chosen Josh for his commitment in extending his writing skills. Mrs Garner has chosen Indianna for persevering in reading. Both children are showing excellent progress in their abilities.
20th January
Mr Cox has chosen Kimi for going above and beyond in her learning. In her own time Kimi has created poster and leaflets to help us learn about the Victorians and key Victorian people of interest. Mrs Garner has chosen Declan for his super sense of humour and commitment to doing the right things.
13th January
Mr Cox has chosen Grace for being so enthusiastic towards learning and being helpful to others. Mrs Garner has chosen Mason for his positive attitude towards phonics.
6th January
Mr Cox has chosen Kimi for continuing to be a model student, constantly and consistently choosing to be supportive of both her fellow students and adults throughout the school.
25th November
Mrs Garner chose Alfie for concentrating on Maths and this has shown in his work. Mr Cox chose Oliver for his writing - with quantity and quality in abundance. Very well done!
7th November
Mr Cox chose Robbie for staying focused on doing his best and turning out some fantastic writing . Mrs Garner chose Corey for always being a good example of doing the right things. Very well done!
21st October
Mr Cox chose Amber for a fantastic performance in football. Amber never stopped running and encouraging her team even though she was worn out. Mrs Garner chose Lilly for being really switched on during her learning this week and being fully focused on everything she has done. Very well done!
14th October
Mrs Garner chose Indianna and Mr Cox chose Elise. Both girls have been working so hard and listening to adults in order to develop their maths skills. Well done.
7th October
Mrs Garner chose Kimi for her fantastic enthusiasm when performing poetry. Mr Cox chose Grace for being a great team player during our basketball games and persevering even when things were not going her team's way; eventually leading to an exciting comeback!
23rd September
This week Mrs Garner chose Mia for giving 100% in everything she does. A fine example of a great work ethic. Mr Cox chose Ashley for making both friends and adults laugh throughout the week.
16th September
Mr Cox chose Dominic for always being the first ready to listen to both adults and his friends in Year 5 and Mrs Garner chose Mason for some fantastic Literacy work using relative clauses which he really worked hard on.
9th September
Mr Cox chose Erynn for her positive attitude in doing that little bit more than asked and Mrs Garner chose Declan for sticking with tasks that he initially found difficult but perservered to be successful. Very well done.