9th June 2017
Congratulations to Brooke for receiving two Rtime nominations from Mrs Harrison and Miss Sims, for being a role model around school and always using his manners. David received his Rtime nomination from Mrs Fox this week for always doing the right thing and being a positive role model to the rest of the school community.
12th May 2017
Congratulations to Jessica and Logan for receiving this weeks Rtime awards. Mrs Harrison chose Logan for his fantastic work this week and always trying his best. Mrs Fox chose Jessica week for being an excellent role model for others by always doing the right thing.
5th May 2017
Well done to Aimee and Makayla for being this weeks Rtime award winners. Both girls have shown a great attitude this week and continue so show fantastic perseverance in their work and trying their best.
31st March 2017
Congratulations to Riley and Jack for receiving the Rtime award this week for following the Diamond rules and working extremely hard in their maths and literacy lessons! Well done, keep it up!
24th March 2017
Well Done to Katelin for receiving the Rtime award this week for always following the diamond rules.
Brooke received an award this week for making positive choices about his behaviour and trying hard, well done!
17th March 2017
Alex received an award this week from Mrs Fox for working hard and setting a great example for others.
Ellis has received the award from Mrs Harrison for following the rules and doing the right thing all the time!
10th March 2017
Roxy received an award this week for following the Diamond rules and setting an example for others!
Kayden also received an award for his huge effort in literacy lessons.
3rd February 2017
Eli - got another award from Mrs Wright for following the rules.
Kayden- got an award from Mrs Harrison for trying hard.
Zak - got an award for working hard from Mrs Bell.
27th January 2017
Eli - got an award for doing the right thing all the time and trying really hard to contribute to class discussions.
20th January 2017
Lily-Ella, Charlie and Aimee were all given an r time award this week for the same reason. They have really stood out as children who have worked hard, followed the diamond rules and setting a great example to other pupils. Keep it up!
16th January 2017
Logan -for working hard this week and avoiding distractions.
Ellis- for being a very reliable helper.
5th January
Serena got an award for being so helpful
Gracie worked well in groups this week which earnt herself an award