R-Time awards are given to children who demonstrate positive behaviour. We look out for children who are kind to others, share well, take other children's feelings into consideration and who also are helpful, both to the children and to the adults. We also like to see children taking care of the resources in School.
The children have had time to develop these skills and so we will be awarding an award once a week to a child who has demonstrated these qualities. When your child comes to you wearing one of the R-Time stickers you have very good reason to be proud of them.
Week beginning 15/1/18 - Henry - You are consistently kind and caring! You are aware that you have to help at tidy up time and you do not have to be asked to carry out tasks....you just do it!! Congratulations and well done on receiving your R Time Sticker!
Week beginning 22/1/18 - Melissa - You are always smiley, thoughtful and kind. You are ready to support your friends and the adults in Nursery and you are so helpful! Thank you and Congratulations on receiving your R Time Sticker!
Week beginning 29/1/18 - Sophia - You are showing us what a considerate child you are by looking out for your friends. You help them to find things and if they are upset you try and support them. You have also become a very good member of the Foundation One team by helping out with tasks and routines. Well done and Congratulations on receiving your R Time Sticker!
Week beginning 5/2/18 - Grace SB - Thank you for being such a consistently helpful and kind girl. You are always friendly to the children and adults in Foundation One and always willing to lend a helping hand, without being asked to help. Good girl! You should be very proud of yourself. Well Done Grace on receiving your R Time Sticker!
Week beginning 12/2/18 - Amelia - Apologies to you Amelia! You have yet to receive your R Time Sticker. You have been chosen because you are very aware of the expectations in Foundation One and as you go through each session you always try to do the right thing. You show consideration and kindness to everyone and will help out with tasks straightaway. Well done Amelia!
Week beginning 26/2/18 - Luna - You have shown how well you can get on with everyone. You have a friendly nature and are kind to everyone. You support children and adults when there are tasks to be carried out, knowing what to do and where to put things. You are helpful to those children who stop for dinner and look out for them. Thank you Luna. You will receive your R Time sticker soon!
Week beginning 5/3/18 - Darcie Mai - You have not been coming to this school for long but already you have shown us how kind and helpful you are. You display a caring disposition and you always have such a positive attitude to learning and supporting the children and adults in Foundation One. Congratulations on receiving an R Time Sticker! Well done Darcie Mai!
Week beginning 12/3/18 - Lacey - Over the last few months you have become more confident, enabling us to see your considerate, helpful and kind nature! It is lovely to see this Lacey. You are always one of the first children to help out and can be seen looking around to see what needs to be done at tidy up time. Well done on receiving an R Time Sticker! We are proud of you!
Week beginning 19/3/18 - Amber - You have only been in Foundation One for a few weeks but you have already displayed a very positive attitude to your learning and your role within the community here. You take good care of the resources at school; you always help out and you have displayed a caring nature. Well done Amber on receiving an R Time Sticker. A brilliant start to your time here!