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Class Overview

Welcome to the Year 3 page!


Welcome back! I hope you all had a great half term. I cannot wait to get started this half term we have a busy last half term ahead of us!


This half term our new topic is Tomb Raider! We will be exploring the Ancient Egyptians! We have lots of interesting and exciting activities planned.


 We will be investigating magnets and forces in our science sessions.


It is really important that all children have their full PE kits in school. The children will need both their indoor and outdoor PE kits. We are hoping for lots of good weather so we can make full use of the outdoor space in our PE sessions as we will be improving our Rounder's skills and exploring Outdoor and Adventurous Activities this half term.


I am extremely proud of how hard you all worked last half term, I hope we have another fantastic before the Summer Holidays and you become Year 4's!


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact one of the Year 3 team.


Mrs Fox, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Wright
