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Autumn Term One

A huge well done to everyone who has received an R-Time award this half term. smiley


21st October 2016

Molly was given an R-Time award from Mrs B-P for always doing her best and following the diamond rules.

Chelsea was given an R-Time award from Mrs Pearce for being helpful and working hard at all times.


14th October 2016

Bernice was given an R-Time award from Mrs Wright for always being helpful and taking care of the classroom.


10th October 2016

Chelsea was given an R-Time award from Mrs Wright for following the diamond rules.

Evie was given an R-Time award from Mrs B-P for always doing the right thing and trying hard in all she does.


7th October 2016

Luke B was given an R-Time award from Mrs B-P for helping keep the classroom tidy.

Molly was given an R-Time award from Mrs Wright for following the diamond rules at all times.


30th September 2016

Harrison was given an R-Time award from Mrs Pearce for always trying his best and following the diamond rules.


23rd September 2016

Dakota was given an R-Time award from Mrs Wright for a great start to year 4.


16th September 2016

Chelsea was given an R-Time award from Mrs Pearce for a great start to year 4.
