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Week beginning: Monday 10th July

Story: Summertime

  • To create a series of actions to represent a summertime activity.
  • To explore the wild garden and notice signs of summertime.
  • To recall what has been observed when back in school.
  • To move in time with the music.
  • To write own name unaided.

Week beginning: Monday 3rd July

Story: Seaside

To make choices and talk about the choices they have made.

To notice what happens when liquid is frozen.

To try a range of new fruity flavours.

To explore a range of materials when making a collage.

Week beginning; Monday 26th June

Story: Seaside

  • To follow a series of movements linked to seaside fun and games.
  • To think of words to describe the seaside.
  • To share own experiences of going to the seaside.
  • To sequence a set of shells with numbers of to ten.
  • To use sand to enrich art work.

Week beginning: Monday 19th June

Story: A train journey

  • To develop children’s listening skills and awareness of sounds in the environment
  • Uses some number names and number language spontaneously.

  • Uses some number names accurately in play.

  • Recites numbers in order to 10.

  • Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.

  • Realises not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.

Week beginning: Monday 12th June

Story: Riding along on my bike!

  • To join in singing favourite songs
  • Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to represent objects.
  • Moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, and hopping.

  • Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown.

  • Draws lines and circles using gross motor movements.

Week beginning: Monday 5th June

Story: How to cross the road!

  • To be able to talk about safe places to cross the road.
  • To be able to sequence images to show how to safely cross the road.
  • To be able to use one handed scissors to cut around rectangles.
  • To be able to read simple words containing the sounds s, a and t.
  • To be able to form each number to ten.
