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Year 4


Welcome to Year 4.


What a lovely Easter break and brilliant weather too!  I can’t wait to hear all about what you have being doing.

This term the children are ‘going deeper underground,’ and looking at mining with a focus on the local area.  Together we will be thinking about what is beneath our feet, as well as how and why these materials are used.  Within Computing the children will be using the internet to research and explore mines, tools and working conditions.  During our DT sessions, the children are going to use a cardboard box to build a 3D model of a mine.

In PE, the children will be improving their Athletics performance and developing the skills required to play Rounders.  Please remember to have PE kits in school on a Monday in case of any timetable changes.

Finally, this term the children will be completing their overnight camping experience which is a fantastic opportunity.  Keep your eyes peeled for pictures of a night to remember!

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Year Four team.



Homework continues as before and will be checked each Friday.  Children should also be aiming to read three times a week at home, and learning spellings and times tables.


We hope you had a lovely break and are looking forward to another successful year.  If you have any problems do not hesitate to contact us.


Miss Bartlam & Mrs Garner
