Physical Education Champion: Mr Steer
I am Mr Steer and I am the subject champion for PE. I am passionate about PE as I believe it is a subject where children can engage in a range of different opportunities outside of the classroom. Here at Fairmeadows, we value PE within our curriculum and recognise it's important for keeping children healthy, building physical development, team skills and developing fluency in sport.
At Fairmeadows, we aspire for all children to have a rich physical education where they have many opportunities to engage in a range of sports and experiences. We deliver this not just through our PE sessions but also throughout our break, lunch time and after school provision.
Aims and Goals:
Each teacher will take part in in-the-moment assessment and will take opportunities to differentiate questioning to support children’s current level of understanding. Children will have feedback, every lesson, so that they are aware of how they are achieving in the session and particular sport. This is achieved through verbal feedback and the use of SEESAW. Class teachers will also use Insight assessment grids, termly, to track the physical education development of each child.
In Reception, children will have one session of PE a week, built from our Real PE scheme of work, and many opportunities to develop physically through child-led play and break times.
In KS1 and KS2, each class will have PE twice a week and there will be a range of indoor and outdoor opportunities, built from our Real PE scheme of work.
All children come to school dressed in their PE kits to maximise the PE hour as there is more time to engage in the lesson.
During 2022/2023 we have achieved our Association For Physical Education Quality Mark which represents our commitment to improving Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity.
We have also achieved our Platinum School Sports Mark this year which represents our dedication to PE and how this is supported and promoted through our intra and inter school competitions for all.
Documents and useful links:
Please see below a selection of documents and links that relate to the teaching of Science at Fairmeadows. If you require any additional information relating to the subject, then please contact the subject champion Mr Steer via the school office.