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"The study of Geography is more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. It's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together"

 Barack Obama 



My name is Miss Taylor, and I am the Geography Lead at Fairmeadows Foundation Primary School. I have always loved Geography and the links it can make with other subjects such as Science and History. I think that Geography is an essential subject as it inspires us to think about our own place in the world and our rights and responsibilities to protect the environment that we live in.


At Fairmeadows we understand the importance of delivering high-quality, first hand experiences which will inspire your child to become the next geographer, engineer or environmental scientist.




At Fairmeadows, we aspire for your child to experience hands on learning which happens inside, outside and in their local area and beyond. Our pupils will develop confidence in their understanding of the world and build on their qualities as a respectful citizen.


Aims and Goals:

We aim to provide your child with a high-quality geography curriculum which sparks their natural curiosity and fascination in the world that they live. We will support your child to develop a deep understanding of key geographical concepts and also develop meaningful links within their learning.



Geography is taught within the unit of Understanding the World within EYFS (Nursery and Reception) where your child will be provided with opportunities to explore the world first hand.

For Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, your child will have a “geography week” of sessions each half term. This will help to embed geographical concepts into long-term memory so that children have confidence in their learning. Our Curriculum is built from Chris Quigley’s Essentials and his Companions.

The curriculum in KS1 and KS2 provides children with opportunities to:

  1. Investigate places
  2. Investigate patterns
  3. To communicate geographically




Each teacher will take part in in-the-moment assessment and will take opportunities to differentiate questioning to support your child’s current level of understanding.

Children will have feedback every lesson, so they are aware of how they are achieving in the session. This may be achieved through written marking on Seesaw or verbal discussion with teaching staff. Teachers data will be collected three times in the year.




Please see below a selection of documents that relate to the teaching of Geography at Fairmeadows Foundation Primary School. If you have any questions or require any further information then please contact the school office and I will get in touch. 
