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This week in Year Six

Our theme this half term is...

Jurassic Park

The Year Six children's learning will all be based around Jurassic Park. Each week we will look at a different aspects of the Jurassic period, we will learn about different dinosaurs and we will also make links to this in our literacy work.


Week 1: 3.1.18

Theme: Learn about the Globe and different times zones. 

Literacy: Explore the features of an information text and recap word classes. 

Maths: Recap place value of decimals and learn how to round to three decimal places. Revise multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 


Week 2: 8.1.18

Literacy: Plan, draft and write our own information text about a T-Rex.

Maths:  Learn how to multiply decimals. 

Science: Learn about inheritance and inherited characteristics. 


Week 3:15.1.18
Theme: Learn about different biomes.

Literacy: Continue work on word classes this time exploring the different types of adverbs. 

Maths: Look at fractions, decimals and percentages. 

Science: Learn about adaptive traits.


Week 4: 22.1.18

Theme: Continue work on different biomes. 

Literacy: Plan, draft and write an adventure story.

Maths:Continue work on fractions, decimals and percentages. 

Science: Look at evidence for evolution.





