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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

We are delighted for you to meet the Governors of Fairmeadows Foundation Primary School. We have also placed other Governor related information that we think you may find useful in this section of the website. If you would like to see something else here, please email us using the contact details for the school.

Information about our governing board

The structure and remit of the governing board: The Governing Board of Fairmeadows Foundation Primary school was reconstituted on 13th September 2022. The Governing Board manages academic performance and holds the headteacher and teaching staff accountable for performance. The Governing Board is responsible for developing community links and community partnerships, in addition to:

  • Assuring the quality of the educational experience for all pupils

  • Performance Management of the Headteacher

  • The monitoring of teaching and learning, curriculum delivery and school performance

  • The Quality of education experienced by pupils

    The Governing Board consist constitutes 1 Headteacher, 1 LA governor, 4 parent governors, 1 staff governor, 4 co-opted governors, 2 partnership governors.


    Committee structure and membership: As well as the Full Governing Board there are 2 standing committees; Teaching, Learning and Community (TLC) and Resource Management Committee (RMC). In addition there is a Pay Committee, and a number of other Committees that convene as required.


    Information about our governors

    Name of the Chair of Governors: Miss Sadie Jordan

    Chair of the Teaching Learning and Community Committee: 

    Chair of the Resource Management Committee: Mr Simon Fox

    Chair of the Pay Committee: Miss Sadie Jordan

    Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Lindsey Page



The table below highlights Governor membership of the standing committees. 









Miss Sadie JordanCo-opted22.10.1921.10.2027Chair of Governors


Mr Andrew Reeves

Ex Oficio





Mrs Lindsey Page




RMC & Safeguarding


Mrs Elizabeth LeQuelenecStaff23.11.202022.11.2025TLC 
Mr Simon FoxParent23.11.202022.11.2024RMCFamily member is also on school staff
Miss Sharon RaffertyParent 01.11.202130.10.2025TLC 

Mr Kieran Bennett




Family member is also on school staff

Mrs Hannah SaddalParent14.11.202313.11.2027TLC 
Mr Stephen WainParent14.11.202313.11.2027TLC 
Miss Leanne PopeParent14.11.202313.11.2027TLC 
Mrs Nicola BakerClerk to GovernorsN/AN/AN/A 

















Mr Andrew Reeves


Mrs Lindsey Page


Mrs Jill Yalden


Mrs Nicola Baker


Miss Sadie Jordan


Mrs Suzanne Causer

Mrs Elizabeth LeQuelenecN/A83%100%N/A100%100%
Mr Simon Fox100%100%100%100%100%100%
Miss Sharon RaffertyN/A50%83%N/A100%33%
Mr Stephen WainN/AN/AN/AN/A100%100%
Mr Kieran BennettN/AN/AN/A100%N/A100%
Mrs Hannah SaddalN/AN/AN/AN/A100%100%
Miss Leanne PopeN/AN/AN/AN/A100%50%
Mrs Alison Hoogerwerf100%100%100%N/A






Governing Body Members 2023/24

Committee Membership

Resource Management (RM)

Teaching, Learning and Community (TLC)

Pay Committee

Lindsey Page

Sadie Jordan

Simon Fox

Kieran Bennett



Elizabeth LeQuelenec

Sharon Rafferty

Stephen Wain

Leanne Pope

Hannah Saddal




Sadie Jordan

Simon Fox

Kieran Bennett







The work of the Governing Board during 2023 - 2024

Each year, Governors like to update you with what’s going on in The Governing Board of Fairmeadows Foundation Primary School. Here, the Chair of Governors and of the two Committees give you a short overview…


Full Governing Board

The Full Governing Board meet each half term to look at the strategic direction of the school, and make decisions about the plans and activities that affect the pupils, staff and parents within the school community. It is the job of the Full Governing Board to make sure that the school is providing a good standard of education for all pupils, and also to make sure that this is being done in a way that makes sensible use of the school’s finances.


Teaching, Learning and Community Committee (TLC)

The Governing Board’s Teaching, Learning and Community Committee consists of five Governors and Mr Andrew Reeves. The purpose of this Committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around the curriculum and its provision and around pupils’ attainment and progress. This means looking at how well children do in tests at the end of Key Stages and how much improvement they make between the Key Stages.  We consider all of the pupils in the school, as well as groups of pupils, such as pupils from different backgrounds, pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) etc, Pupil Premium and catch up premium. We look at how well the children at our school are doing compared to other children nationally, and we also consider how well the school is doing compared to previous years.


A key priority for the Teaching, Learning and Community Committee is to consider how well children that are receiving extra support are doing, ensuring that we are considering the wider community and effects on the families of our school. This means looking at the school’s assessment and tracking information, and receiving information about intervention programmes and Nurture groups. This year we have spent a lot of time looking at how the school is tracking children’s attainment and progress without National Curriculum Levels.

This committee also considers the Pastoral issues within the school, and has spent time this year looking at the Child Protection Policies including online safety Policy and adopting any new policies.


Finance and Resources Committee

The Finance and Resources Committee is made up of four Governors and Mr Andrew Reeves, and its core functions are school finance, staff and their well-being and health and safety. The committee meets termly and each meeting begins by considering the school’s staffing, and ensuring that everyone is best placed to meet the needs of the children and the school’s community.


The Finance and Resources Committee always considers the school’s financial position as well as looking at the budget position, whether that be setting the annual budget for the financial year, or reviewing it throughout the year. This year, the main focus has been to ensure we provide the correct provision to meet the children's needs whilst ensuring we are achieving a better financial position for the future.


A key priority for the Finance and Resources Committee is to consider how to make effective use of the funding that the school receives, and to ensure that this best value s adopted for purchases. The committee discusses the best ways to utilise the funding, and then considers the impact the ways that this has been successful.


In addition, the Finance and Resources Committee is responsible for ensuring that the school premises are well maintained, and that all statutory responsibilities are adhered to. Mrs Page (School Business Manager) reports to each meeting regarding the maintenance issues, and the Committee prioritises any planned works according to need and cost.


January 2024



Governors Expenses Policy
