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This week in Year 2

Week Commencing 9th July

This will be the last week of spellings and homework.



English: Favourite poems

The children will listen to a range of different types. They will chose their favourite of each types and wrote it out in their best handwriting. Discuss the punctuation used in poetry and the features of good handwriting. Children will recite their poems for another class.



This week the children will have fun with maths, whilst still giving opportunities for children to practise key skills. They will add serveral 1-digit numbers, add 1-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers , add paires of 2-digit numbers and find totals of coins. Subtract 11-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers. Find the difference between pairs of small numbers. Place numbers on a 0-100 line and say a number between. Use mathematical vocabulary to describe numbers, shapes and measuring equipment. 


Towers, Tunnels & Turrets,



Learn about the countries and capitals of the UK. Learn fundamental information, key geographical vocabulary and important skills such as using maps, atlases and globes. Learn through a series of creative activities such as puppet show presentations, individual ‘family trees’ , a class ‘Breakfast Club’ that celebrates the diversity of all the children, putting on a castle inspired art exhibition, taking part in your own ‘We are Great Britain’ conference and sharing a final GB Bakery celebration!

Discover the castles around the British Isles! Find out about the most splendid castles and their locations around the UK. Capture the range of architecture using different art and craft techniques.











