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R Time

R Time, What is it all about?

The children share a fun R Time activity once a week and are then encouraged to demonstrate what they have learnt throughout the week. It can be as simple as looking at someone when they are talking to you or remembering to say thank you.


We have a new set of Diamond Rules which all the children, no matter how young, aspire to meet.


Diamond Rules


Show good manners at all times.

Follow instructions with thought and care.

Care for everyone and everything.


Children who follow the Diamond Rules then have a chance of being awarded one of our brand new R Time Stickers. Good look everyone!


R Time Award Winners

Monday 3rd July

Morning: Well done for waiting your turn and listening to others Bella.

Afternoon: Super turn taking Eloise

Monday 26th June

Training day

Monday 19th June

Morning: Super team work Layla Causer. Keep it up!

Afternoon: Well done Riley for doing your best!

Monday 12th June

Morning: We liked the way Evie shared her ideas with the group.

Afternoon: Great team work Ava!

Monday 5th June

Morning: Well done to Joseph. Your dancing moves have really cheered us up this week.

Afternoon: A super week for Minnie this week. Much better concentration.


Monday 22nd May

Morning: Well done to Layla Yates. You have been a great listener all week long!

Afternoon: Well done to Mason for making everyone feel happy!

Monday 15th May

Morning: Well done to Connie. Super cooperating with those around you.

Afternoon: A super RTime session for Kian.

Monday 8th May

Morning: Evie, for guiding a friend through the activity

Afternoon: Laura, for being able to tell her friends why she enjoyed the activity

Monday 1st of May: bank holiday

Monday 24th April

Morning: Well done to Layla Yates. You listened well and followed the Rtime rules.

Afternoon: Super listening this week from Jack. keep it up!


Monday 27th March

Morning: Well done Billy, you had great fun working with Mrs Lester following all of the Rtime rules.

Afternoon: Mason wins the afternoon award for guiding and helping his partner with the Rtime task.

Monday 20th March

Morning: Luna gets the morning award for following the activity brilliantly.

Afternoon: Leah gets the award this week for explaining the rules.

Monday 13th March

Morning: Layla Causer was able to follow all of the R Time rules quietly but really well.

Afternoon: Well done Max for following the activity well.

Monday 6th March

Morning: Layla Yates gets the award for taking turns appropriately in activity and encouraging her partner.

Afternoon: Annie gets the award this week for showing consideration to her partner.

Monday 27th February

Morning: Well done Billy, you tried hard to follow the Rtime rules.

Afternoon: Well done Eloise. You have demonstrated some good sharing skills this week.

Monday 20th February

Morning: Well done to Bethany. Lovely to see you back after the holiday.

Afternoon: Well done to Eloise, you have worked hard today!


Monday 30th January

Morning: Well done Bella for being a star of the day!

Afternoon: A super start to the new week for Harrison.

Monday 23rd January

Morning: Well done for taking turns and saying what you liked about your partners work.

Afternoon: Well done Annie for saying nice things about your partners bubbles.

Monday 16th January

Morning: Well done Evie, you have followed all of the RTime rules this week.

Afternoon: A super RTime session for Leah. You were great at listening to your partner.

Monday 9th January

Morning: Well done Lucas for showing you caring side when someone hurts themselves.

Afternoon: Mason, you were great at thinking how to make someone feel better if the get hurt.


Monday 12th December

Morning: Well done this week to Lucas. Always helpful all of the time!​

Afternoon: A super week for Mason. We just love the way you jump for joy at the start of each session.

Monday 5th December

Morning:​Well done to Connie this week. Super behaviour, super girl.

​Afternoon: A super week for Annie. A quietly confident little girl who is always seen doing the right thing.

Monday 28th November

Morning: Well done Kian, you were able to share your ideas with the class really clearly.

Afternoon: Well done Joseph. You listen really well and followed the instructions.

Monday 21st November

Morning: Well done Jack you have listened really well to instructions this week.

Afternoon: Ava, what a start, super listening and following instructions

Monday 14th November

Morning: Well done Arabella, you have worked your socks off this week!

Afternoon: Harrison, welcome to Fairmeadows! It feels like you have been here for ever!

Monday 7th November

Morning: A super week for Jack. What a star! Mrs Lester was really pleased with the way you spoke out in front of the group.

Afternoon: Well done Mason. You used lovely greeting when speaking with your friends.

Monday 31st October

Morning: Well done to Phoebe for trying your best in RTime. Mrs Lester was impressed with the way you followed the rules.

Afternoon: A super week for Alicia Mae. Keep up the good work.


Monday 17th October

Morning: Well done Evie, you were able to follow all of the RTime rules and demonstrated lovely friendly behaviour towards those around you.

Afternoon: A super Rtime this week for Bethany. Well done for being kind and friendly to those around you.

Monday 10th October

Morning: Well done Jack. You were great at joining in with the activity this week.

Afternoon: A super week for Kian. You knew just what to say when it can to your turn.

Monday 3rd October

Morning: Well done to Phoebe. She has shown kindness and thoughtfulness to those around her. Keep up the good work.

Afternoon: We would like to praise Lacey too for the very same reason. A super friend for everyone.

Monday 26th September

Morning: Well done to Noah who has been really helpful at registration time. He helps me to make sure that I fill in the register just right!

Afternoon: A super week this week for Kian. He has remembered the golden rules and has managed to follow them all!

Monday 19th September

Morning: Well done to Lucas this week for trying your best to write the numeral one. Really easy for you!!

Afternoon: Well done to Alisha Mae for being really brave and sing a favourite nursery rhyme in front of everyone. Have a look at our video page for the evidence!

Monday 12th September

Morning: Well done to Rafe. You have remembered our R Time rules and knew how to address each person in the group.

Afternoon: Well done Mason. It has been really lovely to see how pleased you are to be back at school joining in just perfectly with everything.
